Excerpts from article by Derrill Holly, a staff writer for NRECA on cooperative.com:
Color for Safety Initiative Helps Louisiana Co-op Crews Avoid Live Wire Injuries

(Photos Courtesy: ALEC)
From the article:
“A lineworker’s gear bag had been decorated with messages from his children, so he saw those messages whenever he reached for his rubber gloves,” said Ricky Melancon.
"The Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives is encouraging operations personnel to customize their gear bags with safety messages and art from their loved ones."
"Ricky Melancon spent 14 years as a lineworker at Winnsboro-based Northeast Louisiana Power Cooperative before taking a post with the statewide. He described the sketch to Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives leadership and used it to push for a new initiative called Color for Safety."
To read the complete article, click here.