Viance to Highlight UltraTie with DCOI at the 2024 ASLRRA Central and Pacific Region Meeting in Dallas, TX

Viance is excited to attend the 2024 American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA) Central and Pacific Meeting, taking place in Dallas, TX from October 28 to October 30, 2024. ASLRRA plays a critical role in supporting short line railroads by providing essential resources, including education, training, and advocacy. Viance will be highlighting their innovative UltraTie with DCOI, a product poised to make a significant impact on future rail infrastructure by offering superior protection and durability for wooden railroad ties.

Attendees are invited to stop by Viance’s table to meet Jeff Thomas, our Industrial Sales Manager, and learn more about how UltraTie with DCOI can impact the future of rail. Short line railroads serve as a vital link in the U.S. freight network, connecting industries like agriculture and manufacturing with consumers nationwide. ASLRRA’s commitment to safety, compliance, and advocacy aligns with Viance’s mission to support the industry through innovative and environmentally friendly solutions. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore how UltraTie can benefit your rail operations.